IMG grantee Grovf announces Accelerator program and Alliance partnership with Xilinx Inc.
IMG grantee Grovf announced a partnership with Xilinx Inc., which is the leader of programmable logic devices and the most dynamic processing technology in the industry. According to Grovf announcement, in the scope of Acceleration program partnership, Xilinx and Grovf will engage in a strategic…

Sargis Keveyan. Thanks to the grant, many dairy farms are interested in Cow-Net’s product
STEP 2 grantee Cow-net is a device which will track the body temperature, heart work, oxygen level in blood, calorie level of each cow in the farm. EIF blog has interviewed the company CEO Sargis Keveyan. Please, share with us the story of Cow-net. How…

11 students graduate from AITC and EIF joint summer school
Armenian-Indian Center for Excellence in ICT (AITC) and Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) have summed up the results of “Web for Teenagers” Summer School, held from July 15 to August 9. 11 students aged 10-14 took part in summer school. The specially designed program was aimed…

International Youth Day celebrations kick off in Vanadzor Technology Center
On August 12 series of events dedicated to International Youth Day were kicked off in Vanadzor. As part of UN International Youth Day celebrations, Vanadzor Technology Center hosted a panel discussion titled “Transforming Education”, where representatives of the Armenian Government and National Assembly discussed topics…

Gyumri Technology Center hosts International Youth Day celebrations
On August 12 a conference titled “Transforming Education” dedicated to the International Youth Day was held at GTC. The event was a joint initiative of Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), Gyumri Technology Center (GTC), YIC NGO in cooperation with SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre,…

Hundreds of prospective applicants attend Matching Grants Info sessions in Yerevan and regions
Enterprise Incubator Foundation with the support of the Government of the Republic of Armenia and World Bank announces Matching Grants Competition in the framework of World Bank Trade Promotion and Quality Infrastructure (TPQI) Project, which includes Innovation Matching Grants (IMG) and Regional Matching Grants (RMG)….

EU SMEDA grantee startups are among Sevan Startup Summit 2019 winners
3 EU SMEDA grantee startups are among the winners of Sevan Startup Summit 2019. STEP2 grantee CowNet won the 2nd place ($3,000) of Starter Big Battle. The startup helps the cattle industry to prevent and detect the cow’s diseases and pregnancies by using a device…

“Life Skills” seminar unites 170 young people in GTC
“Life Skills” seminar took place in Gyumri Technology Center on July 27, organized by Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), Gyumri Technology Center, Coca‑Cola Hellenic Armenia and Management Mix Armenia. Around 170 young people attended the seminar and obtained self-development and self-assessment skills with the help of…

Russian Ambassador visits Vanadzor Technology Center
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Armenia H.E. Sergey Kopirkin visited Vanadzor Technology Center (VTC) on July 23. The Ambassador was accompanied by Governor of Lori region Andrey Ghukasyan, deputy governor Gayane Sargsyan and other regional authorities. The guests…

Armenian president visits Vanadzor Technology Center
On July 21, Armen Sarkissian, the President of the Republic of Armenia, visited Vanadzor Technology Center (VTC). The president walked in the center, talked to the students of various courses, met with company representatives working directly from VTC and answered the questions. While talking to…