Gyumri Technology Center hosts Synergy Gyumri Tech Battle
On June 14 Synergy Gyumri Tech Battle was held in Gyumri Technology Center (GTC), organized by Enterprise Incubator Foundation, Synergy Armenia, Gyumri Technology Center (GTC) and Gyumri Information Technologies Center (GITC). The contest was designed for students of technical departments, as well as junior programmers. In…

STEP2 grantee EasyDMARC: Half of our registered companies are from EU
Since 2017 “Support to SME Development in Armenia” (EU-SMEDA) project, which is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ PSD SC Regional Programme, in cooperation with Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), has been…
IMG Grantee Himnark adds new features to its platform
Himnark online platform which has received IMG grant in 2018, introduced changes and improvements made on the platform. The platform that automates management of labor contracts and calculation of salaries, was launched in October 2017. The company has a team of 10+ people working in…
EU4B STEP2 grantee Rendchain and Breedge visit Silicon Valley
EU4B STEP2 grantee Rendchain and Breedge are among 7 startups who are currently in Silicon Valley for a 10-day tour. In the framework of the visit, student entrepreneurs from the Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) of the American University of Armenia (AUA) are visiting…
EU4B STEP2 grantee EasyDMARC and D’efekt graduate from Beeline Startup Incubator
STEP2 grantee EasyDMARC and D’efekt are among the 5 startups that have recently graduated Beeline Startup Incubator. On June 5 during the Demo Day of the program, the startups of the third cycle of the acceleration program introduced their ongoing business projects to the potential…
STEP grantee RioSys: We are working on beta prototypes draft designs
STEP grantee RioSys, which is specialized in providing remote input and output system series module for measurement and control has shared the latest updates on their technology and further plans with EIF blog. The startup is currently working on the draft designs of the beta…
Enterprise Incubator Foundation participates in Pujiang Innovation Forum in Shanghai
Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) participated as a special guest in Pujiang Innovation Forum, held in Shanghai from May 24 to 26. The aim of the forum was to represent the technological and innovation sectors of China and discuss possible collaboration with different countries. Enterprise Incubator…
A series of events featured under the “Armenia Engineering Week” headline will be held on June 24-28
On 24-28 June, 2019, a series of events featured under the “Armenia Engineering Week” headline will be held in Yerevan and Vanadzor by the initiative of the Government of Armenia, Enterprise Incubator Foundation, and Engineering Association. Professional seminars, presentations, experience exchanging events in high-tech related…
IMG Grantee 360Stories: The grant helped us to promote Armenia as an attractive travel destination
Since 2017 “Support to SME Development in Armenia” (EU-SMEDA) project, which is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ PSD SC Regional Programme, in cooperation with Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), has been…
IMG Grantee already in Kazakhstan with HireBee brand and online platform
IMG Grantee career portal entered Kazakhstan market with HireBee brand and online platform. The Almaty office of HireBee Kazakhstan, located at the Seifullin Avenue, has already welcomed its first employees. All activities of and, besides technical maintenance, digital marketing and support…